Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This Hurricane has Kicked me in the ...

Well this time last year I was getting ready and very excited about my upcoming Disney vacation (memory to the left there). Right now I am not as excited nor am I looking forward to much! I feel like I have been kicked in the arse! Water has drowned out A LOT of people, in turn making me feel terribly guilty and bad for them. Guilty because I was lucky not to have any water or damage yet other people have...Sarah you know how I am about guilt...I constantly feel like I need to be guilty about something. Guilty because I had two days off from school, due to weather and yet when I looked outside I saw sun and dry land! Now for the real "kicker"! Grammy was suppose to be here for a visit this week and because Arkansas is next to Texas, they were hit pretty hard! The have been declared a disaster area by the governor and they haven't had power for three days! All of her phones were out so I had no idea until this evening! No major damage was done to their home, but her nephew had a tree fall on top of his house. Needless to say, she is not coming. I always look forward to her visits as does Savannah. NOW, I have been informed that the rest of the week of school has been reorganized. We were supposed to have our ISTEP testing and I have planned out the rest of my classes very carefully. The class schedule changes and I don't see all of the classes the same amount. I am very particular when it comes to my due dates and such....BUT NOW that has all been blown to hell! Not sure what I am going to do since we are moving ISTEPS to next week. It is as though I am losing a week of my classes. I don't even know why this is bothering me so much. I can adjust, wing it, change things...12 years of teaching I am sure I can figure it out! But for some reason I am way bummed and pissed about it! DAMN HURRICANES!!! My whole aura is off and it is *ucking things up! I even had to turn the computer BACK on just so I could vent...GUILT right here...OK why vent it could be worse! I could be swimming in my living room right now instead of sitting here...OK...I'll shut up now!

1 comment:

Sarah V said...

you only need to feel guilty if you've done something wrong. and you haven't. so get over it. :)

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