Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Break 2009

It was to be a week of rest, relaxation, fun, and a little deep cleaning in the house. It ended up full of sorrow, grief, a little fun, and one room got a deep cleaning. My best friend Candee, we have been friends for 26 years, her husband passed away unexpectedly from a massive heart attack on Saturday, the first day of break. Bob was only 47. Bob was the kind of guy who always had a smile on his face and a hug and kiss for every lady and a handshake for every guy. He told great but overly long stories. He always treated me like family and he was the one who introduced me to the love of lobster! We shared our love for coffee and he would never allow me to say no to anything, cause he would just do it anyway for me. I would tease him about his cigar smoking and how it smelled. He didn't care because he loved it! Well he did care that it bothered me...that is the kind of guy he was, more concerned with others than what he wanted. He was a very caring and fun loving dad and he lived for his kids. He leaves behind a 36 year old wife, 19 year old and a 2 1/2 year old daughters and a 17 year old step-daughter. It has been hard because I have been a part of Candee's family since we were kids and so I was there every step of the way. I was there when they wheeled his body out of the house, I was there to help with the planning at the funeral home and the cemetery, I ran Candee around to take care of busy she just couldn't do on her own, I was there early and all day for the wake and funeral and I drove Candee in Bob's beloved 1965 classic Mustang which followed the casket. Bob was my friend and has been for years! I cant even really remember for how long maybe 12 years or more, so it was painful to loose him, but it was also painful to see Candee and his kids go through the grief. I am so drained. I am physically, emotionally, spiritually drained!! I don't know how I am going to go to work next week.

On a good note I did get one day of light hearted fun. I snatched my nieces and daughter from school (they were not on spring break) and we all went to Navy Pier. We had a good time even though the weather was not so good. We laughed a lot and I needed that.

Life is so short and it is not fair. Gone is a good man and great dad, when there are those out there who are mean, evil, and dads who don't care (like Savannah's). I am just having a hard time with all of this. I need to stop now it is just to much. Please pray for me and for Candee and her family. We need strength and comfort at this time.

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